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Hon. Dr Zipporah Kittony is a respected name in the political and women’s rights and advocacy spaces. She has worked in various fields of development. She was KANU nominated Senator from March 2013 to August 2017 and former Chairlady of Maendeleo Ya Wanawake (Swahili word for ‘Development for Women’) after serving the organisation for 11 years, being the second longest-serving chair of the largest grass root women’s organization.

In the Senate, she was the Vice Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare, a position that enabled her to fight for the rights of the minority, including women, children and the youth. In the course of her career, she has partnered with other NGOs and Development Partners in promoting women to leadership.

She initiated several projects during her tenure, including the promotion of girl-child education, the eradication of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), the campaign against malaria, nutrition for under-five programmes, and supervised the upgrade and construction of modern health facilities in rural Kenya, mobilising women to good leadership and to aspire for better quality life among numerous other projects.  She was nominated to parliament from 1988 to 1992 and from 1997 to 2002.

Because of her contribution, she has a host of accolades on her back. She is the recipient of many awards, including Kenya’s Order of the Grand Warrior (OGW) and the Moran of the Burning Spear (MBS), both awarded by former President Moi, an Honorary Doctorate Degree by The United Graduate College of Tennessee, USA, for her humanitarian activities and peace initiatives. She is the holder of the Woman of the Year 1999 award by the American Biographical Institute in the US. She is also the Goodwill Ambassador for the mentally handicapped.

She has attended numerous conferences both locally and internationally, including the 1975 World Women Decade Conference in Mexico, the 1980 Copenhagen Conference, the 1985 Nairobi Conference, the 1995 Beijing Conference, as well as other UN meetings on the status of women.

Hon. Kittony is an avid golfer and renowned entrepreneur and large-scale farmer in Trans Nzoia, she has served in various positions in the Agricultural sector in the Agricultural Society of Kenya and made history by being the country’s first female chair of the society from 1985 to 1992. She is currently the Vice Patron of the Agricultural Society of Kenya and the Vice Patron of Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization. She also runs a chain of hospitality outlets.

She has educated and mentored many girls and orphans through her philanthropic and developmental initiatives.

She is among one of the high-ranking Kenyan women who commands a lot of respect in all fields.  Her last accolade as a Trailblazer was awarded by the fourth President of Kenya – H. E. President Uhuru Kenyatta with CBS – Chief of Burning Spear in 2022.

She recently launched her memoir – Sheer Grit among other achievements.

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